Sunday, February 12, 2012

I don't know what Februaries are like here, but we are definitely paying for the wonderful weather back in December.  We have been cold all day long.  The wind was coming in right around the cracks in the door.  Then Lynn discovered that the door to the furnace had come off, after the temp in the house had fallen to 60 degrees!  Thank God he went down & checked it when he did.  The house finally warmed up.

I don't know if my symptoms are getting worse, but my feet & left leg has been burning like crazy the last couple weeks.  Tomorrow I need to call the clinic & get them to fax a referral request to Dr. Cardenas' office so I can get in to see him or the two ladies.  I am having more trouble walking & keeping my legs from twitching at night.  I think my meds need to be adjusted.  I spend a certain amount of time in bed before my legs wake me up.  Then I generally come out to my chair & sleep til Lynn gets up.

Well, guess I'd better go take the rest of my pills.  Think I might take an extra RequipXL while I'm at it.